
Breakdown of the latest developments on the global exchanges
Mar 15, 2019, 12:00 PM GMT

European Stock Market is Enjoying the Strongest First Quarter Gains in Four Years

For the Euronext 100, one of the biggest composite indexes in Europe, 2019 has thus far been a year marked by a significant bullish momentum with gains exceeding 150 basis points before the end of the first quarter.

The last time the European economy started the fiscal year with comparable gains was in 2015, which is a testament to the resilience of the European economy, as it was qualified by Mario Draghi during the ECB's meeting last week, despite the coercive effect of the Global economic slowdown and the diminished international trade on the European economy as a whole.

The most recent boost of confidence for the European stock market came precisely from the ECB and more specifically from the announcement of the new series of easy money from the central bank in the form of TLTRO III.

As you recall from our previous article, the TLTRO III is a program that is designed to stimulate economic growth by means of providing liquidity to the private sector, an endeavour which would ultimately benefit the industrial sector of the Euronext 100 as well due to the spillover effect of marginal utility across industries.