
Breakdown of the latest developments on the global exchanges
Mar 8, 2019, 12:00 PM GMT

Costco Earnings Report Beats Expectations; Share Price Soars After the Data Release

In our “What to expect section” from Monday’s market recap we told you about Costco’s quarterly earnings data and the expectation for high volatility as a consequence of the report. The final data was very positive with Costco announcing 2.01 earnings per share beating the 1.67 expectation, which amounts to a total of 20.36% surprise.

As a result of that, the price jumped from 216.79 USD per share to 227.82 USD, which is a total of + 5.09% daily change. This is another example of the post-Christmas consumer shopping, which is having a positive seasonal effect on big retailers such as Costco and we also mentioned it in our review of Abercrombie & Fitch Co. earnings here.